Craps System Tester

Gillett Hall - 1st Floor 225 E. Mesa, AZ 85201 (480) 878-7514.

  1. Blackjack System Tester
  2. Craps System Tester
  3. Craps System Tester Book
  4. Craps System Tester Book

When I got home I tabulated the first 15 pages in Zumma's Craps System Tester Book using the above 4/10 Point Lay-Betting System with Hank's 4/10 non-pt. LAY BETTING System.added. My Zumma testing in the first 1,935 rolls, in 17.5 Hours of play-time, shows a net profit of + $ 31,950.00.!!!!! WORLD'S SAFEST SYSTEM (it's the best) It's a slow but steady grind, but I have NEVER left the tables a loser. Thanks a million! Roger Gibson' I have been testing the $200 an Hour System against my Craps Tester book. It's doing very well on all kinds of tables. Craps system tester Unknown Binding – January 1, 1994 by Erick St. Germain (Author) See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Inspire a love of.

bobthetree wrote:Any way you could post some more details about your method? Like maybe a list of bullet points that cover all of the rules and conditions you use?
Free craps system testerbobthetree... I try to bite my tounge when it comes to the 'W's posts... but seriously...
WOLFBYTE wrote:...$300.00 units. ...
...If I stay away from my max. lay-bet of $1,200.00 as a base unit bet,
...this way of betting is generating + $1,500.00 to + $3,000.00 an hour....
... on bus to Indian Casino.....

Blackjack System Tester

Craps System TesterEven if we divide the units by 10 and make it: $30 units, $120 base laybet,... generates $150 to $300 AN HOUR...
On the BUS?
Can you really take this seriously?

What Players Are Saying
Unsolicited letters and emails from actual clients

' Hello Richard! I recently ordered your roulette system and I just wanted to say what a fantastic system it is. The averages that you posted on your website are much lower than the wins I've consistently had. Talk about trying not to get noticed, it ain't easy. Do you have any tips on how to play without getting noticed by the casino. I'm always afraid they are looking over my shoulder while I'm winning so much money. I go now a couple of days a week to Atlantic city and always come back with at least $2000-$3000 grand. I'm only 30 years old and this system has allowed me to leave my job and make a hell of alot more money. I just need to keep my self from getting noticed so I don't get barred from the casino's. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!! '
John S. Wilmington, Delaware

' ...quite exciting...thank you...two small sessions and a $2,200 profit.'
Simon Cooper, Athelstone, South Australia

' ...The dealer was getting pissed that I was winning every spin.
Harold Bethlehem, PA

' Hello Richard! I just wrote to say how surprised I was to get the package several days before I was really expecting it. Well, all the information initially overwhelmed me. But as a craps player, I naturally concentrated on the craps systems. What really aroused my interest was the 'Win On Every Play System.' Two days after receiving your package, I tried it... And guest what? I won 1,800 pesos in about 2 hours! And this was with one side 'losing' five straight tosses - 3 times! You won't have to worry about me sending the package back for a refund. Although I think you're confident enough about that... Thanks again. '
Lino Esguerra, Manila City, PHILIPPINES

' Your writing is very clear and easy to follow. Thank you.'
Ligang L. China Hills, California

' I recently purchased all your programs and could not be happier. Your roulette system is my favorite... I've tested this system at several [places] and it really works...great system!' JG, Indianapolis IN
' . . . the system is very simple, thank you very much for publishing this system . . . I have been testing the system and the results are very impressive. Kept on testing the system on the European format and getting very good results, so much it makes me feel a little bit apprehensive about going to the casino and taking the house's money. Also my plan is to. . . limit my winning to 1500-2500 a session.' David R. London

' Just a quick note to let you know our results from 3 days at Caesar's Palace armed with your various systems. The Roulette system was very reliable, simple to follow...and lead to consistent results. The Blackjack money management and system of betting paid off big time!!!! Although your hit, stand, double, split strategies are the same as most others, the betting strategy...was different... We had our stay, meals, and show all comped and had a great trip. Thanks...'
James H. Nebraska

' I am a card counter, when I bought your system initially it was for the blackjack. I have played a little bit of roulette, mostly for cover when I am getting heat from the pit. I figured that if I could at least almost break even with some kind of roulette system, it would make great cover for my blackjack game. I have been banned from several casinos in Washington state, and one in London. I read your roulette system and it looked intriguing. I started playing exactly according to your system, logging my play just as you outlined.
I must say I have been completely blown away by the results
. So far Ihave increased my original stake by a factor of 5 in just a few sessions, unbelievable! I can honestly say I won't be asking for a refund, and I think I just may be switching my game from blackjack to Roulette. And I will soon be dissecting your blackjack strategy as well. Thanks for sharing Richard.' Joshua Simon, Auburn, WA

'I have been involved with horse racing over 40 years, and these systems are the best yet.'
Garry Resch, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

' I purchased the gambling system about 10 months ago and can say it has worked very well. Just came back from the casino... did exactly as outlined in the book and came back with $450 for just three hours play using $5 minimum bets. I go to school full-time, and in my breaks I head over to the casino (across the street). I am making double the amount of money I would working 20 hours a week at my job (fraction of the time).

I called up my uncle (who gambles professionally) ..because he suggested it [the roulette system] and he says whenever he goes to the casino and takes a break from blackjack, he cleans up on roulette. '
Pavandeep Burnaby,
British Columbia, Canada

' Dear Richard, Just to let you know after ordering the Secret Longshot System, I just hit a horse in the 8th at Belmont ridden by Jerry Bailey! Thanks alot! ' George Astoria, NY

' Richard, I Love your system...I'm a happy customer...Thanks. '
Craig Hawkins, Carmel California

' We would like to present you with the Gamblers Award of Excellence.
Keep up the good work! '

Ilan Artzy Online Gambling Magazine

' We have checked this out at several casinos and it has worked very well.
...this is so clever. Is there anyway that the casino can beat this system.
Dave Adams,
Staffs, United Kingdom

' Dear
Mr. Graham,I use your World's Safest System, and I think it is the best ever gambling system in the world (I have researched quite a few in the past).I won so much money using the first part of this system.' Arthur PapikianMoscow, Russia
' HiRich,just wanted to tell you how great your roulette systemis. Been running multiple tests and even after losing3 mini-games in a row, if you keep playing it alwaysseems to put you ahead. Just did a run, lost 3 minigames, won 3 but ended up +21 units...other
tests have produced much higher winnings. Thanksagain' Dave Packer, Chesapeake, VA

' WOW! I'm impressed. Seems like you've certainly put a lot of time and effort into creating these systems. Thanks a lot for your help, and a great system!!'Corey Erlits

' I purchased your system [roulette] over a year ago and want to say thank you very
much for introducing me to your system. ...have found it to work well... '
Rick Hewitt, Washington State

' I won $1000 in one hour playing the basic Craps system that you included in the packet. Thanks,' Bob A. Tampa, FL

' Just had a week trying out your system and I am pleased to say I am 136 [sessions] up and have had no losing days. I went to 3 different casinos over 3 days and won every day. Thanks.' Mick C. England

'Quite impressive! Unbelievable mate... you really found a way to crack the system...
nice one! '
Mario Rockstroh, Australia

' Richard, you have inspired me in that the value that you deliver for the dollar is awesome. I love to play games (not gamble) and your methods are well thought out and innovative. I won 200 on a 200 stake on the net tonight with your roulette system . . . thanks again . . . you have to be a thinker like me to be doing what you do. Keep up the good work! Your friend, ' Earl O. Houston

' I'm excited to have these systems. You gave more than my money's worth.'
Lawrence Doro, Hempstead, New York

' I am amazed at the speed and time you take to answer questions concerning systems bought. Thank you very much.' Berry Danville, VA

' I tried out your system this weekend and just wanted to thank you again for sharing it. I bet the Field Bet with your progression method and won 270 units. Once again, Thanks! ' Robert Patterson

' I have been a professional gambler for about 5 years. I have a pretty good roulette system and a great dice system. I only play dice when I get tired from roulette and need a break. I have been making on average a little over $100,000 profit a year. That's not to bad of a paycheck for someone who likes to have fun at work. I'm thinking that your system is going to double my earnings if not more. I told my wife that if I ever found a better system than mine then I would change over. Yours is a great system! I don't go to the casino to win. I go to RETIRE! Thanks for the great roulette system. Its more then worth the money I paid for it.' Nathan L Earle, Morgantown, WV

' Richard, Before your book I would spend hundreds of hours on the table trying about a dozen different methods of play. I truly love the game Roulette so I was determined to figure out how to consistently beat the table. After all the play I have done in the past I can honestly say 'I will never play Roulette again in my life without playing it with theMethod'. Any other system is just a waste! THANK YOU. '
Mitchell, Oakland Park, FL
' I've been gambling for 30 years...I've experimented with progressive systems with virtually every game available. I like the way you think....won 17 blackjack sessions in a row.'
Joe H. Penfield, New York

' Thank you for your new betting system. I just tried it out on authentic casino spins from
a Danish casino. 95 spins earned 86 pieces.' Karl Erik

' The results of the test were a 87 units profit in 91 spins. Thanks.'
Jeff S. Fort Lauderdale, Florida

' I believe that systems like this work because... it allows you to lose more decisions than you win and still profit. ' Shane K.
'. . . I really like your idea of mini-games. It is a unique method of incorporating win goals and stop losses.' Larry
'My son found this system while looking for on-line betting. At first I was skeptical, but my son insisted that I at least try it because it had a full money back guarantee. I had nothing to lose because I was already losing at the horse track. Thanks to him, and your system, I had my first winning night ...thanks for the great system...'
Don Blackburn
' ...the instructions are very simple to follow... when I first bought it, I thoughtthat it was a piece of junk... but I took it for some real casino spins and sure enough, it works beautifully. The thing is if you win the first spin you are ok, if you don't, don'tsweat itcause you can make it up easily ...the truth is when you do use 25 dollar chips, you are actually more likely to win much more than 500 dollars an hour. I still don't see how you[roulette] method cuts down the table advantage, it puzzles me. I am a happy customer of yours. ' Scott P.

' Thanks for offering such a load of information for a reasonable price. '
Steven San Marcos, CA

' THANKS!!! Your systems are very clever and scientific ..... I've won quite a lot on all of them...Great! ' Steve W. Horley, Surrey, United Kingdom

' Dear Richard, I must tell you that after trying to win for years I CAN NOW WIN BECAUSE OF YOUR ROULETTE SYSTEM!!! I am a shut in who can't get out to a casino and have been trying to win online for years. Now I can win, win and win!!! Now I can hire better people to take care of me and improve my life. A BIG THANK YOU. '
John L. Merrimack, New Hampshire

' I have been a pro gambler for three years now. Thank you very much for your simple but very effective system.' N. Lewis, Melbourne Australia

'.Richard, I am doing this for a living. You can depend on your system. The other night I won 900 dollars with 5 dollar chips with 120 spins. It took a beating and just kept ticking. You always win more than you lose if you stay right with the system. Works everytime. Thanks Richard. ' Kenneth B. Midvale, Utah

' Mr. Graham, I am a member and love the info I have received since joining your club. I have told my friends and hopefully they will take advantage of your website.'
Donald Langford, Texas

' WOW Richard Graham. You really are a pro! It's Richard Solarski. I ordered your roulette system about 2 years ago. I cannot help getting excited about the change theory.'

' Hello Richard, ...Did your system again and gained 163 units in 185 spins. Remarkable!!! ...Your Roulette system gave me so much confidence now. But, I won't be too greedy. Thanks again ' Greg King

' I have been testing the $200 an Hour System agaist my Craps Tester book.
It's doing very well on all kinds of tables. Thanks.
' Bob Alberto, Manchester, NH

'Dear Richard, Thank you for your TIME, PATIENCE AND GUIDANCE!
You have answered my questions very clearly and I am in no doubt as to how to proceed!!!
I really did not expect such service and advice THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for helping me' Mark Crossing, Gold Coast Queensland, Australia

' Hi, I just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you for how much money you have made me.'

Andrew Gough

' Tremendous value package - I love all this sort of stuff.' Colin Bond, London U.K.

' Richard, As far as my winnings with this system [100% Protection System]: About
$150-$200 per session of 45 minutes to an hour.
I am impressed with the results.'
Scott Zecher

' Your material is wonderful! It is to the point, insightful, and easy to understand.'
John Hewitt, Texas

' Richard, I am still winning with your roulette system.
In the past three sessions alone
I'm up another 730 units! '

V.D., Australia

' I think it is great what you are doing! Thanks, '
Luke Bercken Holland, Netherlands

'. . . GOD BLESS you for making your awesome materials available to the average novice such as myself!! ' Mike

' Being a holder of a degree in accounting, your methods seem mathematically sound.'
Charles Bennett, Las Vegas, Nevada

' Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with fellow gamblers.'
Laura Jaeger, Portland, OR

' I am so glad to find out you are both real and honest!! Lucile Hays, Nantucket, MA

' ... People around me asked what I was doing. Of course I kept my mouth shut. I left when a man next to me began betting several hundred dollars on my selections, and winning. Thanks so much.' Scott H. Camano, Washington

' Your craps system really's great. WORLD'S SAFEST SYSTEM
(it's the best) It's a slow but steady grind, but I have NEVER left the tables a loser.
Thanks a million! 'Roger Gibson

' Thank you, Mr. Graham. You've certainly given me more than my money's worth!'
Dave Henry, Federal Way, Washington

' ... won over 5 thousand bucks with your system.'
Dustin Mcleod, Delaware

Craps System Tester

These arepersonal individual experiences. Yours may vary.

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Craps System Tester Book

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