European Gambling Conference

European Gaming to offer virtual conferences for 2020 18 March 2020 (PRESS RELEASE) - European Gaming, Central Europe’s leading betting and gaming media platform, has unveiled plans to host the industry’s first virtual conference after announcing its MARE BALTICUM Gaming Summit and BGS Awards are to be postponed. MPE (Merchant Payments Ecosystem) Berlin Conference is Europe’s largest event of its kind. Over 1,000 attendees are expected including merchants, solution providers, regulators, MNOs, acquiring banks and PSPs mainly from Europe but also internationally. Gamescom 2021: The Heart of Gaming 25-29 August 2021 in Cologne - Europe’s leading trade fair for digital games culture. Gamescom: 25.– devcom: 23.– #gamescom EN.

The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) is the Brussels-based trade association representing the leading online gaming and betting operators which are established, licensed and regulated within the EU. EGBA works together with national, EU authorities and other stakeholders towards a well-regulated online gambling market which provides a high level of consumer protection and takes into account digital realities and consumer demand. Today, EGBA’s member companies have more than 16.5 million customers in Europe.

EGBA is registered to the EU Transparency Register since 2009.[1]


EGBA was created in February 2007 and was formerly known as the European Betting Association. Maarten Haijer serves as the association’s Secretary-General since April 2013.[2]


EGBA currently has five member companies:

European Gambling Conference Philadelphia

One national association is an affiliate member:

  • BOS, Sweden


EGBA works towards a safe, fun and responsible environment for online gambling in the EU, through the promotion of well-regulated online gambling markets which provide a high level of consumer protection and take into account digital realities and consumer demand. EGBA encourages EU countries to ensure their national online gambling markets are attractive enough to the highest number of gamblers in that country, so that gambling activity stays within the regulated environment and does not take place on unregulated websites which do not protect the consumer rights or interests of gamblers.

EU Online Gambling Sector[edit]

Online gambling is a growing sector within the EU, with gross gaming revenue (GGR) expected to reach €29.3 billion in 2022. In 2018, the EU online gambling market was valued at €22.2 billion GGR - growing 11% from €20 billion GGR in 2017 - and accounted for 49.2% of the global online gambling market. The EU online gambling channelled or white market accounted for €15.9bn, reflecting an average EU-wide channelling rate of 71.7%. Online gambling now represents 23.2% of the total EU gambling market activity. [3]

Actions and Partnerships[edit]

Annual data collection[edit]

EGBA publishes yearly data about the EU online gambling sector, in partnership with H2 Gambling Capital, and EGBA members.

CEN Workshop Agreement[edit]

All EGBA operators adhere to the Workshop Agreement on “Responsible Remote Gambling Measures” published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). In absence of pan-European regulations on gambling, the CEN workshop agreement provides for evidence-based self-regulatory measures for gambling companies which aim to create a safe and secure environment for gamblers in the EU.

Memorandum of Understanding with the IOC[edit]

Prior to the Winter Olympics in 2014, EGBA, ESSA and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) agreed on a new information reporting arrangement regarding suspicious betting activities. The agreement, which runs until the summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, aims to safeguard major sport competitions from manipulation linked to betting.

Online Gambling Focus[edit]

EGBA publishes a quarterly newsletter which reviews topical issues relevant to the EU's gambling sector. The Winter 2019 issue focuses on advertising and sponsorship issues.[4]

Partnership with EU Athletes[edit]

In 2010, EGBA entered into a partnership with the European Elite Athletes Association (EU Athletes) to fund a campaign to educate players on match fixing: the Protect Integrity project. The co-funded European Commission project began in 2010 and has been prolonged following considerable success. In October 2015, the Protect Integrity project received €488,305 in funding from the European Commission, ensuring that it continued for another 2 years, kicking off in January 2016 until the end of 2017. The project has reached over 15.000 professional athletes through education initiatives about sports betting integrity and the dangers of match fixing.

Responsible Gaming Day[edit]

EGBA organises a yearly conference “Responsible Gaming Day”. The latest edition took place in the European Parliament in Brussels. The conferences have become an annual meeting on European gambling policy gathering representatives from European institutions, national gambling regulators and other stakeholders in the gambling sector. The event, which has been running since 2008, provides an opportunity for discussion about the best practices and challenges for responsible gaming and betting in the EU.


  1. ^Commission and European Parliament launch Joint Transparency Register to shed light on all those seeking to influence European policy
  2. ^iGaming Business - EGBA promotes Haijer
  3. ^EGBA: European Online Gambling – Key Figures 2018
  4. ^EGBA: Online Gaming Focus - Winter 2018: Online Gambling Advertising and Sponsorship

External links[edit]

Retrieved from ''

Bringing together over 80 participants from the gambling sector, the first-ever Responsibility in Gaming Conference in Brussels focused on the deeper causes of problem gambling, but more importantly, on what stakeholders can and should do to create an effective and workable responsible gaming policy. EL Secretary General and several EL members were invited to present during the two-day event.

Translating the latest insight on problem gambling and looking at the neurological effects seen in the brains of people with a gambling disorder was a core focus on the Conference, together with the discussion around what regulators know and do about it. The first day focused on Artificial Intelligence and regulatory aspects, while the second day included presentations and interviews with industry stakeholders including EL and its members.

From left to right: Moderator Peter-Paul de Goeij, Quod Bonum, EL Secretary General Arjan van ‘t Veer & ECA Chair Per Jaldung.

​Moderated by Peter-Paul de Goeij, Quod Bonum from The Netherlands, EL Secretary General Arjan van ‘t Veer took part in an ‘Interview with Industry Stakeholders’together with Per Jaldung, Chair of the European Casino Association (ECA). Arjan van ‘t Veer highlighted how progress should be an opportunity to help market regulation and the importance of a risk-based approach towards gambling advertisement to safeguard the channeling role and the benefits of games for society.

Earlier this year EL members adopted the Antwerp Resolution on societal role of lotteries, the need to change gambling desire and to advertise lottery productions. The importance of responsibility for EL and its members with a reference to the EL Responsible Gaming Certification was also mentioned.

‘‘EL and its members are committed to addressing illegal gambling and related criminal activities while minimising any potential harm on society and vulnerable groups. Responsibility is one of our core values and the EL Responsible Gaming Standard not only strengthens this but promotes the adoption of best practices across the EL membership. This Conference was an opportunity to highlight EL’s ongoing activities and proactiveness on Responsible Gaming policy’’.

There were also several presentations and interventions from EL members. First, Sisal’s Valérie Peano and co-founder of the European Gambling Lawyers and Advisors (EGLA) participated in a panel debate on regulation, where she outlined how self-regulation is meaningless without enforcement or fines for those who break the rules and how gambling must self-regulate now more than ever.

Camelot’s Head of Corporate Responsibility Alison Gardner shared experiences of using behavioural science to design interventions with national lottery players.

Regulatory Affairs Adviser for the Nationale Loterij (Belgium) Roland Louski focused on ‘responsibility by design’. His takeaway from the Conference – “The future will be more intelligent and more intrusive regarding the way the players will be tracked down and their behaviours supervised. For the more dangerous gambling activities, a balance needs to be struck between the protection of the player’s privacy and the prevention policies to avoid problem gambling.”

Further information on the Responsibility in Gaming Conference:

More information on EL’s Responsible Gaming Standard and a list of certified lotteries is available here.

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EL lors de la toute première conférence sur la responsabilité en matière de jeux

La Conférence s’est concentrée sur les causes plus profondes des problèmes liés aux jeux, mais surtout sur ce que les parties prenantes peuvent et devraient faire pour créer une politique de jeu responsable efficace et applicable.

Le secrétaire général d’EL Arjan van ‘t Veer qui a participé à un entretien avec des parties prenantes du secteur avec ECA, a souligné comment les progrès devraient être l’occasion d’aider à la réglementation du marché et l’importance d’une approche basée sur les risques de la publicité sur les jeux afin de protéger le rôle de distribution et les avantages des jeux pour la société. Il a souligné l’importance de la responsabilité en se référant à la certification de jeu responsable d’EL.

Lors de la table ronde, Valérie Peano, membre Sisal d’EL et co-fondatrice d’EGLA, a souligné l’importance maintenant plus que jamais que les jeux s’auto-régulent. La directrice de la responsabilité d’entreprise de Camelot, Alison Gardner, a partagé les expériences d’utilisation de la science comportementale pour concevoir des interventions avec les joueurs de loterie nationale et le consultant des affaires réglementaires de la National Loterij, Roland Louski, s’est concentré sur la « responsabilité dès la conception ».

European Gambling Conference International


EL en la primera conferencia sobre responsabilidad en el juego

La conferencia se centró en las raíces de los problemas con el juego, pero, por encima de todo, en aquello que las partes interesadas pueden y deberían hacer para crear una política de juego responsable y efectiva.

El secretario general, Arjan van ‘t Veer, que participó en una entrevista con las partes interesadas del sector junto con ECA, destacó cómo el progreso debería ser una oportunidad para beneficiar a la regulación del mercado. Destacó también la importancia de un enfoque centrado en los riesgos que supone la publicidad del juego, a fin de salvaguardar la función de canalización y los beneficios de los juegos para la sociedad. Enfatizó la importancia de la responsabilidad con referencia a la Certificación de Juego Responsable de EL.

En un debate grupal, Valérie Peano, que actualmente trabaja en Sisal (miembro de EL) y es cofundadora de EGLA, destacó que el juego debe autorregularse, ahora con más urgencia que nunca. La directora de Responsabilidad Corporativa de Camelot, Alison Gardner, habló de experiencias del uso de la ciencia conductual para diseñar intervenciones con jugadores de la lotería nacional, y el asesor de Asuntos Regulatorios de la Nationale Loterij (Nationale Loterij Regulatory Affairs), Roland Louski, se centró en la «responsabilidad por defecto».


EL bei allererster Konferenz zum Thema „Nachhaltiges Gaming“

Die Konferenz konzentrierte sich auf die tieferen Ursachen der Spielsucht, wichtiger aber noch, auf das, was Beteiligte unternehmen können und sollten, um eine effektive und praktikable Glücksspielpolitik zu entwickeln.

Arjan van ‘t Veer, Generalsekretär der EL, der gemeinsam mit ECA an einem Interview mit Branchenbeteiligten teilgenommen hat, zeigte auf, wie die Marktregulierung und die Bedeutung eines risikobasierten Ansatzes im Hinblick auf die Spielewerbung zur Sicherung der Lenkungsrolle und der Vorteile von Spielen für die Gesellschaft beitragen können. Er skizzierte dabei auch die Bedeutung der Verantwortung im Hinblick auf die EL Responsible Gaming Certification (EL-Zertifizierung für ein verantwortungsbewusstes Glückspiel).

European Gambling Conference Nyc

Im Rahmen einer Podiumsdebatte betonte Valérie Peano vom EL-Mitglied Sisal und Mitbegründer von EGLA, dass sich Glücksspiele mehr denn je selbst regulieren müssen. Alison Gardner, Leiter der Abteilung Corporate Responsibility bei Camelot, teilte seine Erfahrungen im Rahmen der Nutzung verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Ansätze zur Entwicklung von Interventionsmöglichkeiten bei Teilnehmern an staatlichen Lotteriespielen, während sich Roland Louski, Regulierungsbeauftragter der Nationale Loterij, auf die „Verantwortung durch Entwicklung“ konzentrierte.

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